
Saturday 23 July 2016

Do We Need Religion???

Religion in itself is no longer required. It has outlived its usefulness for mankind. Time was when man was savage and might was right. Religions brought in moral codes and taught between right and wrong with the backing of divine laws. But from the 18th century onwards, as nations and societies developed and civilisation progressed, constitutions were instituted which became sacrosanct in law. They cover all aspects of human behaviour and governance. They have clear guidelines on penalties and bring about equality in justice, establish liberties, authority and duties. Religion today has to take a backseat and often clashes with the law. It has in fact become an anachronism, backward looking and reduced to a mere framework of oppressive rules and regulations which is being exploited by clergy to keep the ignorant masses under subjugation and enrich themselves. Religion has lost its spirituality and become a business. All religions have degenerated into perverted forms of human slavery. Once you realise with your by now finely tuned sense of morality and ethics that the laws of today's nations are sufficient, religion in itself becomes redundant. You don’t need its framework anymore to lead a moral life or be a good human being. You don’t need to fall prey to the dastardly clergy to find your own spiritual peace and happiness in life.

Most intelligent (which is not to be equated with education) and deeply introspective people eventually realise that religion today has become a big con game. Far from enlightening us, religions today wish to keep us backward, isolated, ignorant and blindly obedient. It has become an opiate for the dumb masses and a tool in the hands of unreligious crooks. The most divisive factor in human civilisation is religion, the cause of wars, strife and suffering. More cruelties and casualties have been inflicted and more passions ignited in its name than wars, pestilence and patriotism combined. It instills hatred against other beliefs and faiths, thus becoming deniers of fundamental rights to others. Blind adherence to religion encourages further introduction of strange and illogical practices which are an affront to logic and an insult to human intelligence, besides having no connection to the Gods they profess to serve. Most intelligent people become religious rebels. Surprisingly all the prophets who came were rebels who came to overthrow oppressive "religions" of their time. Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus, Ram, Moses, Guru Nanak and Zarthustra, all were rebels and free thinkers. If they were alive today they would denounce the way their messages have been perverted, distorted and misused. In fact they would encourage their followers to rebel and throw out the entire so called religious frameworks as they exist today, along with all those rascals who profess to being its preachers and guardians of your faith.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

India is not a Great Country, and I am responsible for it…!!!

The title must have raised the eyebrows of yours but I will explain you why did I title it like that?
When we talk about Democracy, Democracy means the Rule of People. Every Individual should think feel that he’s the King or Queen. But along with it come Responsibilities. Just as we have Fundamental Rights in the section 51-A of our Constitution mentions that we have Fundamental Duties also. We never refer to that. Most of the people don’t even know that something like that exists in our Constitution. 
Some people say that I should write that “It’s everybody’s fault”. To which I say, “When I say Everybody, my responsibility reduces. When I take it upon myself and I believe every citizen should feel responsible for the flaws in India’s Democracy and the problems facing it.

Dear Reader, I had like to ask you, when we talk about corruption, we invariably blame our leaders or the administration, IAS officers or IPS officers, we say that they are corrupt. As if we are very clean. Is it right?? The people find it interesting to say that corruption should stop. But to do that, we will have to struggle. When we say that, we are the rulers, the rulers will have to do something. In my opinion, it has so happened, that we have become lazy citizens.

In my own observation, I have discovered that every Indian spends 8 hours a month just complaining. The roads are bad; the police take bribes. A particular Chief Minister is like that. The Prime Minister is quiet and all stuff. We say different things. I ask many people, you do this every month for 8 hours, Has it changed anything? The reply is No. I ask them Can It Bring about change? Again the reply is no. Then I ask them why they do it? Anyways, let them do it. But what do I do? Have I tried to do anything that would bring about some change in the country? I sat, at least for two hours in a month decide to do some work keeping the country in mind. If not anything else, just file an RTI application about something that is troubling you. It does make some difference. I believe that those who are proud of India, will have to do something. “Jinhe Naaz hain Hind par, Hindustan par, unhe kuch to karna padega.”

Democracy is said to government of the people, for the people and by the people. I don’t see such government, if I go looking. So what is this? Just we vote, just because there’s a Constitution, we claim to be in a Democracy. In fact, it’s a Vote-Shahi and not Lok-Shahi. Because, if I take the current political scenario, what is the argument doing the rounds? Some say Narendra Modi will fix things. Some say Arvind Kejriwal will, others say Rahul Gandhi or Nitish Kumar will. That’s the discussion. Nobody talks about that they will do. We say that we are in a democracy, but we are looking for a Messiah. There will be no Messiah. In a democracy, all of us will have to work. If we do not work, it will not be democracy. If want our country to improve, then it is our duty to improve our government. If we do not do it and continue to criticize, it is not going to make a difference.

I will once again say that it’s our fault as we don’t take the responsibility. Someone said this, “When I woke up, I looked at myself in the mirror. I tried to wipe the dust off the mirror and I kept trying. It was evening, yet I couldn’t get the dust off the mirror. It was night when I realized, that the dust was on my face, not the mirror.

People say that nothing can be done. Nothing can happen in our country. I tell this people, when you visit Temples, Mosques or Churches and come out, Do you find something in your pocket? Is there more money in your purse? Or do you start looking more handsome or beautiful? It does not happen. Then, why do people do it? Its’s out of Faith. You don’t see any direct result. What do we do for the country out of faith? NOTHING. At least try, just as a matter of faith. Think that, for our country, we will take up a cause. And pursue the cause, whether or not we succeed.

Let each one of us take up an issue however small it is, make it our own, nurture it and pursue it till it is solved. Then our country could definitely be much better.

I would change the title to “My India may not be great, but it will be and I will be responsible for it…!!! ”

Monday 7 March 2016

The Power of Women…!!!

Let me start off with Wishing everybody a Happy Women’s Day. In my humble opinion, we do not need and we should not have a day for celebration for women. Because it itself brings a dichotomy among us, the Humans.

But as we and the world celebrates a day for women across the world, let me draw some important points which shows the power with which the women are bestowed. A woman plays a role of a Baby, a Wife, Mother, a Mother in Law, a Sister, a Sister in Law, a Grandmother at different stages of life. This it-self has some sort of animosity for example, at one place where she is loved as a Daughter but suddenly bitched about where she is Daughter in Law. But then, I live in India where there are very high standards to treat women lower to the Men (Funny).

We Indians will fight for our religion and all for what we eat. For example, some people fight against Killing of Cow which is right in first place because Cow is worshipped as a mother in the religion. The problem of India is, we consider Cows as our mother, our country India as our mother, we shall kill and beat the shit out of somebody when somebody does anything to Cows and our India but when it comes to our own Mother or Daughter, we do not respect them. I am sure that some of the people of the country do respect the Female gender in any which way but Majority doesn’t and that’s my outrage for today. Why do we need to think before Respecting them? Are we in any which way superior to the other gender? Do we have superiority complex? Actually we have Inferiority complex that if we respect them and let them freely do what they want to, they will succeed in every field with us. You want Examples? Read below the power of women that has been enriching the state of Gujarat all this years. I am talking about Gujarat because that’s where I belong from and all this years I have experienced and noticed the POWER of WOMEN in every field.


1.    There is small village in Gujarat near city the spiritual city of Dakor. Due to reservation system, for one term of its Gram Panchayat, the Sarpanch (Panchayat Head) had to be a Woman. Also one third of the elected members had to be women. Now, to the surprise, the people of the village decided to give all the seats of the Gram Panchayat to Women and let them run the administration of the village for next five years. This was a sheer surprise because it was first time in the history of Gujarat that an entire 5 years term was to be fulfilled by only women. The village got a great luck ahead and the per capita income of that Village almost doubled. This is the proof that, apart from Businesses, Cooking, women are good at Administration too. Looking at this great thought, the Government of Gujarat announced a special status for all those Gram Panchayats who put all members as Women for the entire term. You all would be glad to know that there are 300 Villages today where the administration are run wholly by women and they are flourishing.


2.    Just give a thought. Can small shop of grocery can sustain against the Multinational chains of Super Stores? Take Pizza Hut as an example, can a small Haath Gaadi of Pizza sustain against Pizza Hut? No it cannot. But I shall give you a true story and example.  We have a chain of pizza selling vendors by the name of “Jashuben na Pizza” in Ahmedabad. They are immensely popular. And I would say it to the extent that, if there is a stall of Jashuben na Pizza near Pizza Hut, it is 100% surety that an Amdavadi would go for Jashuben na Pizza and not Pizza Hut. Jashuben who is no more, she passed away in Pune before 8 years, left a legacy of its Pizza with her hard work and has a huge market in the city of Ahmedabad.


3.    Have you ever been to a Fiver Star Hotel? If not, then just be to it. You will find a Food menu which will have Salads, Milkshakes, Dahi (Curd) and all. But you will never find the brand of that Dahi or Milkshake or Salad. You will not find Amul or Mother Dairy written against the Dahi. But you will find PAPAD which will be written as LIJJAT PAPAD. I have marked it. When you go next time, just mark it. I would urge all reading this to study about LIJJAT PAPAD. What is it? It is a consortium of tribal based Adivasi and uneducated women in the state of Gujarat which has started the idea of LIJJAT PAPAD. They started with the initial investment of Rs. 80/- and now they sell Papad worth Millions and Billions across the world. The whole administration is run by women and has turned into a cooperative society.


4.    In a village near a city in Gujarat, a group of some 20 odd women gathered together and formed a company by collecting their savings, got some grant from Government and some Bank Loan. They got themselves into service sector and presented themselves as Servers in events like Weddings, Gathering. Just by their serving itself, the expenditure of Food of events and waste of food got a considerable deduction.


I have seen in some houses when a father and his son are talking about some business stuff and the wife comes to give tea, then both of them stop talking and ask her to leave the place. We do not involve the other gender. I think our country’s economy shall boom up to 40-50% if women become equal partners in the growth. I think the Dairy industry is not just about man working for some brand, but it’s the tireless efforts of Women across the villages which makes a brand like AMUL in the world.

So this is a Power of Women. We just need to include them in our Decision making process. And that will help us make our country flourishing and nourishing. We know that there are Income Tax benefits for companies engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We should thrive towards handing that segment of the companies to Women of the group.

There are so many religions in which the female gender is not allowed to pursue higher education. Some religions have restricted the female’s education for some selected courses. Some religion do not allow their female population to work for a living because it is not safe for them. Albeit, what I think is let the women study and work and include them in the decision making process. And I am sure that we would not need another Women’s Day celebration. Just respect them and treat them equally and I am sure we won’t need reservations for women anymore and my country, our country would make it to the sky one day.


Happy Women’s Day…!!! May God Bless All…!!!